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- The Competitive Advantage
The Competitive Advantage:
An Exclusive Mastermind for Ambitious Creators and Entrepreneurs
(Surround yourself with a team of winners and achieve your yearly goals in the next six months or less)
The Competitive Advantage is a like-minded community of creators and entrepreneurs deeply committed to extreme personal, professional, and financial growth
✅ Gain Perfect Clarity Around What’s Not Working in Your Business
✅ Dissolve the Majority of Your Stress and Reclaim Your Sanity
✅ Free Up 25+ Hours of Productive Time in Your Workweek
✅ Build a Magnetic Personal Brand and Become Unforgettable Online
✅ Set a New (and Better) Strategic Direction for Your Dream Business
✅ Add at Least $1,000/Month in Profits to Your Bottom Line
✅ Read at Least 52 Books or More Every Single Year
✅ Get Into INSANE Shape and Peak Physical Health
✅ Feel More Alive and Energetic Than You’ve Felt in Years
✅ Build an Impressive Professional Network Full of Power-Connectors
✅ Develop the Elite Competitive Mindset Needed to Overcome Anything
Fifty minds are better than one. I’ve always believed in rapid progress, and that just doesn’t happen while you’re trying to be a lone wolf. My entire life has been shaped by the single idea that you can get anything you want in life, just as long as you help enough other people get what they want. That’s one of the basic principles behind The Competitive Advantage. It’s also why this community is your most dangerous weapon when it comes to launching your transformation from overwhelmed, anxious entrepreneur to cool, calm, and confident cash-creator. A successful life is the product of many iterations and evolutions - and constant forward motion - but they don’t happen by accident. In fact, you wouldn’t even recognize the broke, low-energy, stressed-out “entrepreneur” I used to be. I put “entrepreneur” in quotes because that only loosely describes the uncertain, chaotic state of my business adventures up until just a few years ago. It’s painful to recollect those times now, but just for you, I will: For starters, I once blew more than $100,000 of my investors’ money in a single day on a project that multiple qualified people told me not to follow through with. …And then I did it again years later, sinking even more money than that into one of the most expensive business educations anyone has ever received. I was living in India at the time, running an international record label, promoting massive outdoor rock concerts inside soccer stadiums, overpaying vendors by thousands of dollars because I just didn’t know any better…it wasn’t pretty. |
By several external measures, I was “successful,” getting my bands’ music placed in record stores, touring the world, “having fun,” which I can tell you now was NOT the same as running a profitable business. This whole time, I was probably at least 25lbs underweight, living month-to-month, barely getting by, with no real direction and no mentors - no community - that I could fall back on. There was no one I could enlist for support and guidance when I desperately needed it. I had nothing, and I had nobody. But I had a Vision, and I had the will and the burning desire to see this Vision through to the very end. I made a commitment - a self-promise - that I was going to figure it out, that I was going to make it, no matter what. So that’s what I did. First of all, I ended up reading 100+ books a year for the next 10 years while working a series of minimum wage security jobs, while getting spit on by hostile and aggressive mental patients during the week, and assaulted by drunken bar-goers on the weekends, with only my Vision and my will to keep me moving forward. I tried lots of things that didn’t work, aimlessly flailing around, trying to make money somewhere, and show the people I cared about most in the entire universe that I wasn’t a completely lost cause. That I could still make something of myself. But do you want to know what the main difference was between my failure and my eventual success? What really started to move the needle for me in the direction of my Vision? |
Mentors. My network. Friends who had my back, and who supported me no matter what. It was who I surrounded myself with and learned from (in person, virtually, or through their books) that set the stage for my glorious comeback. No one is self-made - I’m certainly not. And I’ll never pretend otherwise. It takes a community to construct a successful entrepreneur, and that’s what The Competitive Advantage is all about. Fast forward to today and I’m a full-time creator, happily and easily earning about $5K/month. I wish I had some more impressive revenue numbers for you here, but really, I’m just at the end of the beginning of my business adventures! It won’t be long before I hit $10K/month and beyond though! On top of that, and I say this with no false modesty: I’m a fucking jacked fitness model with the energy of an 18-year-old and the wisdom of a 90-year-old. Most importantly, my future has now become much bigger than my past. My time horizon has completely shifted; whereas before, I was living mostly day to day, paycheck to paycheck, today I literally have a 100-year plan for my one and only life. Turns out, once you get your head above water, you can actually think and plan for the future and you start getting excited about what you can build and how far you can go. The quality and strength of my network has increased exponentially as well. Not that I choose my friends based purely on net worth or anything, but I now have dozens of millionaire friends with 6-, 7-, and 8-figure businesses bringing in tens of thousands of dollars in profit each and every month. A few of my friends are even pulling down $100K per month and more. More importantly, I’ve reached the point where I’m no longer concerned that I won’t be successful. I’m on a rocket-ship pointed to the sky, and now I want to take a bunch of committed, hardworking entrepreneurs like you along with me for the ride. My goal for this group is to bring together some of the smartest, kindest, most ambitious individuals I know in business and use the collective knowledge and wisdom of the group to help us all win big. To realize our individual Visions. I want the members of this group to go to bed every night smarter, happier, and richer than they were when they woke up. Basically, I’m assembling a dream-team of inspiring individuals like you who want to make learning, helping, and winning a way of life. Members of The Competitive Advantage are exceptional people who are deeply committed to extreme personal, professional, and financial growth, and if you’re looking to connect with people like that…you’ve found us. We’re right here, just waiting to welcome you inside The Competitive Advantage community. You’re home. But don’t get too comfortable! We’re about to board a rocket ship together… |

“I started my own business because I wanted more freedom, but now it feels like I have less even time and fewer resources than ever before, and I just don’t see any clear path forward.”

“There are so many ways people are making money online, and they all sound like they could work - I just don’t know where to focus my attention.”

“Everybody I look up to seems like they’re so far ahead of me, and the problems I’m working on now seem so insignificant compared to the kinds of wins they’re always celebrating online.”

“I have all these dreams and goals I want to pursue, but my responsibilities and the commitments I’ve made in other areas of my life give me no time to focus on growing the business. And the stress of trying to do everything is killing me.”

“I know I could be successful if I just knew what to prioritize and where to spend my limited time and energy.”

“My family doesn’t understand these dreams that I’m holding onto - they just see that I’m not there. I desperately want to show them that I can do what I set out to do and that I can provide a great life for them.”

“There’s just so much information out there! How do I choose what to read, who to learn from, and what to spend my precious time on?”

“I wish I could just ask questions and get personalized advice when I run into issues instead of wasting hours and hours trying to find the answer by myself and getting nowhere.”

“I’m already reasonably successful, but I know that I could be doing so much more. I just know that I could get much further ahead if I could only get myself into the right ‘rooms.’”
Members get lifetime access to Time Mastery, my time management course that includes 52 mindsets, strategies, and tactics that I use personally to read 100+ books every year, stick to my world-class fitness regimen, scale my solo creator business, and still get home in time for dinner. |
You’ll gain access to a supportive, knowledgeable, and achievement-oriented community full of other creators and entrepreneurs who want to see you succeed. Whatever challenge you’re currently facing, there is someone else here in this group who has already solved it and can help you do the same. |
All my summaries and book notes from the 1,250+ books that I’ve read in the last 10 years are available to members in the “Classroom” tab, organized by book and by year. These notes are updated every single month, so as I read and learn more and more over time, you’re invited to come along for the ride. |
✅ Free business audit upon becoming a member, conducted by me personally, where I review all your landing pages, offers, social media profiles, etc., and come back with a one-page report of findings and recommendations.
✅ One free book (of your choice, fiction or nonfiction), sent to your doorstep each and every month to help you keep updating your knowledge in the areas that most interest and benefit you.
✅ Bi-weekly exclusive live calls, hosted by me, where I present one topic related to business and/or personal development, and where you can then ask me questions live on the call and get my personal feedback and advice.
✅ Monthly guest appearances by expert speakers and successful creators offering masterclasses on various business development topics (free for all members).
✅ Personal messaging with me, in the Skool chat or via email (ask me anything - I’m always glad to help!).
✅ Early access to all guest episodes of The Competitive Advantage Podcast, a week before everyone else gets to see them on YouTube.
✅ Lifetime access to all of my online courses and workshops, including all future updates and replays.
✅ Lifetime access to The Stairway to Wisdom, my library of expert book breakdowns, featuring detailed summaries and key takeaways from 150+ of the greatest books ever written.
✅ The price of your membership can be deducted from my personal fitness and business consulting fees, whenever you decide to work with me individually.
✅ Monthly updates to all of my summaries and book notes from the 10-15 books that I read every single month.
✅ Can you think of something else you’d like to see that isn’t listed here? Let me know! I’m always looking for ways to render undeniable, world-class service to my members, and so if you have an idea about how I can do that, I want to hear about it!
Only $75 gives you access to everything the membership has to offer, including the one free book of your choice sent to your door each month, bi-weekly live calls with myself and other experts on a variety of personal development topics, full access to my library of online courses, my library of detailed book breakdowns, my notes from more than 1,250+ books, a free business audit from me, association with a supportive group of other ambitious entrepreneurs, and everything else described above.
If you’d like to pay in full for the entire year, you can send an email to [email protected] and I will also set you up with a $225 discount.
Even without the 25% paid-in-full discount, membership in The Competitive Advantage pays for itself astonishingly quickly. There’s also a 100% money-back guarantee if you’d like one for whatever reason, absolutely no questions asked.
But if your time is worth, say, $25/hour, and my time management course saves you just 3 hours per month of precious time…your membership has paid for itself.
If you make just one new friend, confidant, and business ally inside the community discussion forum…your membership has paid for itself.
If all my accumulated business knowledge and entrepreneurial expertise earns you just $75 in additional income…your membership has paid for itself.
You have absolutely nothing to lose, and an entirely new world to gain. But at the end of the day…no one is going to pressure you into joining.
Our 37 current members stay - month after month after month - because they want to be here, because they’re experiencing tremendous growth in their businesses and in the rest of their lives, and because being a part of The Competitive Advantage is a massive “net-positive” for them.
We’d love to welcome you inside our community…and we’re ready to do so.
For now, however, I’ll leave the choice in your capable hands.
100% Money-Back Guarantee | The Price Is Going Up Soon to $99/Month | Achieve Your Most Important Goals for Just $2.50/Day |