Updated: March 11th, from my home library in Eastern Canada

This is a “Now” page, where you’ll be able to see everything I’m doing/working on now. And here’s why you should create a Now page of your own.

You may have guessed that I’m never reading just one book - so here’s what I currently have on the go:

Don Quixote, by Miguel Cervantes: I’ve been reading this one for months, and I’m enjoying it too much to finish it. It’s a classic novel, more than 400 years old, and what’s incredible (one of the things that’s incredible about this book) is that the jokes are still funny after all this time!

Elon Musk, by Walter Isaacson: This is the second bio of Elon that I’ve read and it’s fantastic so far. A lot has happened since I read the Ashlee Vance biography in 2015, and this one reads like a novel, not the story of an actual dude’s life. Wild.

Plagued by Fire, by Paul Hendrickson: Another biography, this time of Frank Lloyd Wright, the architect. Brilliant architect, I should say, and I’m sure he’d agree with that assessment! Good thing he used concrete instead of humility, or none of his buildings would be standing today. Amazingly well-written biography, and I actually like Frank. Complicated man, though.

I’m in that season of life right now where almost literally all I do is work, but to me it’s almost like playing a video game, so you’ll never hear me complaining.

I’ve got a few major (yet somewhat arbitrary) 2025 goals, too, like growing my email list to 100,000 subscribers, growing my Instagram to 250,000 followers, increasing my business revenue to $50K/month, and reading 200 books.

So yeah, that takes work! Long, long days of pretty much flat-out, fingers-to-keyboard, video-camera-in face work, but I’m making excellent progress on all these goals, and it’s not like I’m doing this alone.

In fact, without friends, it’s actually pretty difficult to succeed in business (or live a good life at all)! So I make sure to keep a strong network of supportive, determined friends around me at all times, even if some of us live thousands of miles away from each other.

Specifically, the main things I’m working on in my business are my paid mastermind group, book marketing on Instagram, and the various revenue streams associated with my newsletter. 

YouTube is also a MAJOR focus this year, and it’s a platform that nearly every single creator needs to take seriously in 2025 and beyond (at least those who want to earn a great living online). I’ve hired some help here, and I’m improving the quality (and quantity) of my videos all the time.

Eventually, I’ll write a book (more than a few people have asked), but honestly, I don’t have nearly the bandwidth required for that right now. There are about 50+ books that I want to write, though.

As you can imagine, I’m awfully busy, but I can make myself available for the right podcast appearances and speaking engagements, as well as newsletter partnerships and the like.

You can email me at [email protected] with requests of that sort. If it makes sense for both of us, I’m sure we can find a way to work together!

Personal life - ha, that’s funny! No, I don’t actually work all the time, and obviously I still read plenty of books that aren’t specifically related to work. But there’s honestly not too much to relate here!

I’ve been slacking on renewing my passport, but there are absolutely some trips to Montreal, Las Vegas, and Iceland (among other places) in my near future. As long as I can take my books with me, I’ll consider it!

I’m still working out five days a week at the gym, still (relatively) close to photo shoot shape, although I’ve been packing on some good size recently, which mostly comes with at least some fat gain - at least if you’re natural, which I am at the moment.

Ever since becoming a full-time creator, though, I’ve had to remind myself to physically get out more and see people. I still enjoy going to bars and clubs and having fun with my friends, but I’ve never been much of a drinker, so I find it pretty easy to stay in shape while still seeing most of the people I want to see.

The plan now is to go to a few more parties, especially since the weather’s finally warming up a bit here, then escape to Athens or Dubai or something for a few months sometime in the fall!

Bodybuilders lead pretty boring lives, and so do I, at least when it comes to fitness! I pretty much just lift things up and put them down (usually 5x per week, like I said above), and then I go home and cook chicken. Exciting times!

Then I go to bed for 8 hours, wake up, eat more chicken, drink some egg whites (you heard me), and start my workday! Nothing too exciting here, although, here again, fitness is my life, and even though it may look boring from the outside, it is nothing of the sort on the inside!

I’m active on social media (almost) every single day, usually offering my best book recommendations, sharing what I’m currently reading, offering advice on growing your business and making more money, and/or encouraging you to take action to improve your life and the lives of those around you. 

Here’s Where You Can Find Me Online:

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