Awareness (Part I)

*People who feel as though they’re lacking a certain sense of stability in their lives, and who want to find ways of coping with the rapid pace of change and restoring their equanimity and peace.

*Seekers on any spiritual path who love learning about Eastern philosophy and what it has to say about not taking life so seriously, feeling “at home” in the universe, and witnessing the everyday miracles that are all around us.

*Readers who love discovering books that often deliver lightning bolts of inspiration and insight that will change the way they think forever.

*Anyone who wants to see further and deeper into the true nature of reality, with the help of one of the most humane, supportive, and surprising spiritual teachers the world has ever known.

“But I’ll promise you this: I have not known a single person who gave time to being aware who didn’t see a difference in a matter of weeks. The quality of their life changes, so they don’t have to take it on faith anymore. They see it; they’re different. They react differently. In fact, they react less and act more. You see things you’ve never seen before."

-Anthony de Mello, Awareness

What does it feel like to imagine oneself as intimately connected with Reality - with everything that exists - and to live with your eyes (and your heart) wide open?

Anthony de Mello points the way to an understanding - and awareness - of what such a fully realized life feels like, and just like life, this book is full of surprises.

Awareness began as a series of lectures that were later combined into a book, so it helps to imagine him speaking to an audience while you read it, and that you’re in that audience. I wish I was!

De Mello was a Jesuit priest and spiritual teacher, and he uses stories, parables, jokes, and striking insights - which he combines with his deep humanity, and his infinite care and affection - to wake people up to the life that's been sitting right in front of them the whole time they've been alive.

It's a favorite book of Tim Ferriss, who has mentioned it quite often on his extremely popular podcast. Awareness is also one of only two books on the recommended reading lists of both Eckhart Tolle and Naval Ravikant. The other book is the Tao Te Ching, which places Awareness in excellent company!

De Mello's whole "project" is to get you to see Reality in a completely different way - the way you would if the "doors of perception" were cleansed, so to speak. Traditional ways of approaching this same topic always seem to miss the mark. Mainstream psychology and what passes for religion these days don't really solve your problems; they just exchange your problems for other problems.

It's like the story of the man traveling with a brown package on his lap, who was asked by the train's conductor what was inside. The man explains that it’s an unexploded bomb he found in his garden and that he's taking it to the police station.

The conductor says, "Oh! You don't want to carry that around on your lap! Put it under your seat!"

Other “spiritual” approaches and "fixes" just transfer the bomb from our lap to underneath our seat. In contrast, the following graphic explains de Mello's approach:

Waking up to Reality and to Life itself isn't "supposed" to be comfortable. Nobody likes being woken up! But Reality is so much more miraculous and incredible than most of us ever glimpse on a daily basis, and when you think about it, waking up is very much like breaking out of prison.

We're imprisoned in our concepts, our ideas, our blind beliefs, and prejudices, but to break out of this prison and to actually experience life, the first step is to realize that you are in prison in the first place, and that there is a way out. Anthony de Mello shows us all the way out in this book.

Importantly, you have to wake up, not anyone else. It's you. It's always been you, and we can never shift the responsibility of waking up onto someone else.

We never go to the doctor and get a prescription for our neighbor! We go to the doctor to get a prescription for ourselves! All change begins with you, and when you change how you look at things, the things you look at change.

It's this relentlessly curious self-observation that de Mello was known for, and his gift was to inspire feelings of care, connection, and curiosity in all of his listeners and readers. He taught that awareness isn't something "extra" that you have to add to your to-do list. It's not a task, or an obligation, but a way of seeing, and a way of bringing yourself to life.

De Mello taught that you don't have to "add" anything to your life to make it (or yourself, for that matter) into everything it could be. Rather, it's a process of subtraction. It’s the dropping of your attachments, your labels, your concepts, and all the other obstructions to your happiness - which is, after all, your natural state.

#1: How Much Truth Can You Take Without Running Away?

“The most difficult thing in the world is to listen, to see. We don't want to see. Do you think a capitalist wants to see what is good in the communist system? Do you think a communist wants to see what is good and healthy in the capitalist system? Do you think a rich man wants to look at poor people? We don't want to look, because if we do, we may change.

We don't want to look. If you look, you lose control of the life that you are so precariously holding together. And so in order to wake up, the one thing you need the most is not energy, or strength, or youthfulness, or even great intelligence. The one thing you need most of all is the readiness to learn something new.

The chances that you will wake up are in direct proportion to the amount of truth you can take without running away. How much are you ready to take? How much of everything you've held dear are you ready to have shattered, without running away?"

Sleeping is synonymous with stagnation, with staying the same. Waking up implies a change of state, moving from one state of being into another that's closer to reality.

What's more, waking up doesn't usually happen without a significant amount of discomfort and questioning of previously held beliefs.

Waking up is also about seeing. Importantly, it's about looking at what you've always been looking at, but seeing it differently. Seeing it in its true form.

Because reality is always new, always changing, waking up means that you will constantly be evolving and growing over the course of your life, always ready to unlearn and discard what you've long believed to be true.

Of course, that doesn't mean you'll never feel strongly about certain things ever again, or that you'll never take a courageous stand for some deeply-felt cause. Rather, you're more likely to maintain a variety of "strong beliefs, loosely held."

Living in a state of wakefulness means believing in something completely and totally, but always being willing to shed that belief once you learn that it's actually false, or that it needs to be updated in some way. Sleeping people never update their beliefs.

And you really have to keep updating your beliefs, because there's virtually nothing you can say about reality that will be totally true in the next moment. Reality is constantly changing. Once you try to “fix” a belief inside time, it dies.

The only universal constant is change, and to be able to flow with that change and adapt to it and live with it means acquiring an openness and a flexibility that are prerequisites for true wakefulness. You can't run away from it, but you do have to move.

#2: Uninterrupted Happiness is Uncaused

“Do you want to be happy? Uninterrupted happiness is uncaused. True happiness is uncaused. You cannot make me happy. You are not my happiness. You say to the awakened person, 'Why are you happy?' and the awakened person replies, 'Why not?' Happiness is our natural state.

Happiness is the natural state of little children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by the stupidity of society and culture.

To acquire happiness you don't have to do anything, because happiness cannot be acquired. Does anybody know why? Because we have it already. How can you acquire what you already have?

Then why don't you experience it? Because you've got to drop something. You've got to drop illusions. You don't have to add anything in order to be happy; you've got to drop something. Life is easy, life is delightful. It's only hard on your illusions, your ambitions, your greed, your cravings. Do you know where these things come from? From having identified with all kinds of labels!”

Your happiness is like a clear blue sky, covered over with gray clouds of unhappiness. The blue sky is your natural state, and once you remove those obstructions, your fundamental peace, happiness, and perfection will be revealed.

You don't need to "acquire" anything that you don’t already have to become happy; you simply need to shed what makes you unhappy.

It's the same with money. The question of whether money can "buy" happiness is nonsensical; what money can do, however, is to remove the sources of unhappiness. It's the exact same thing.

Buying stuff is unlikely ever to create some state of “bliss” within you that was never there before. But removing the stress and anxiety of not having enough, or being unable to fulfill your obligations is likely to make you a whole hell of a lot happier! Money can absolutely eliminate unhappiness.

It's important to realize, though, that you can be happy for no reason at all. Indeed, it's one of the most transformational mental shifts you can ever make, because when you're happy for no reason, your happiness can never be taken away from you.

No longer will you be happy or sad "because" someone said this or that to you, or because something or other happened and you feel really good about it, or awful, or whatever the case may be. When you realize that it's possible to be happy for no reason - indeed, that it's your natural state and birthright - the entire sky opens up to you.

The key to your happiness is always within you - it always has been and always will be.

Again, that's not to say that you won't be happy or sad because of external events ever again. You should celebrate your wins! You may feel sad when something awful happens to you! Still…your fundamental, inalienable right to peace and happiness will never be at risk, no matter what.

The whole process is so easy but, at the same time, so incredibly difficult. You don't have to "do" anything, but how hard is it for people to do nothing?! It's so hard! The key, however, is not to add, but to remove. To drop the sources of unhappiness. As Anthony de Mello advises:

“Understand the obstructions you are putting in the way of love, freedom, and happiness and they will drop. Turn on the light of awareness and the darkness will disappear."

#3: Awareness is Not a Goal

“Some people see awareness as a high point, a plateau, beyond experiencing every moment as it is. That’s making a goal out of awareness. But with true awareness there’s nowhere to go, nothing to achieve.

How do we get to this awareness? Through awareness. When people say they really want to experience every moment, they’re really talking about awareness, except for that ‘wanting.’ You don’t want to experience awareness; you do or you don’t."

If you were to say that you are trying to become happier, or more peaceful, or more serene, what you're actually doing is defining yourself as someone who is unhappy, violent, and restless. There's always going to be this unbridgeable gap between where you are and where you say you're going. You'll never get there.

Likewise, with awareness, when you say you want to become more aware, or you want to wake up, you're dead before you even started. Awareness - like freedom - comes at the beginning, never at the end. The only way to be more aware is to be aware! It's instantaneous! It's now!

You're either aware now, free now, or you never will be. Making it a goal just pushes it into the future, when actually, awareness is yours right now.

#4: Spirituality is the Most Practical Thing in the Whole Wide World

“I challenge anyone to think of anything more practical than spirituality as I have defined it - not piety, not devotion, not religion, not worship, but spirituality - waking up, waking up!

Look at the heartache everywhere, look at the loneliness, look at the fear, the confusion, the conflict in the hearts of people, inner conflict, outer conflict. Suppose somebody gave you a way of getting rid of all of that?

Suppose somebody gave you a way to stop that tremendous drainage of energy, of health, of emotion that comes from these conflicts and confusion. Would you want that?

Suppose somebody showed us a way whereby we would truly love one another, and be at peace, be at love. Can you think of anything more practical than that?

But, instead, you have people thinking that big business is more practical, that politics is more practical, that science is more practical. What's the earthly use of putting a man on the moon when we cannot live on the earth?"

#5: The Highest Knowledge of God

“The highest knowledge of God is to know God as unknowable. There is far too much God talk; the world is sick of it. There is too little awareness, too little love, too little happiness, but let's not use those words either. There's too little dropping of illusions, dropping of errors, dropping of attachments and cruelty, too little awareness. That's what the world is suffering from, not from a lack of religion."

Reality can never be defined as a concept. Reality just is, and there's nothing we can say about it that will come close to pinning it down - "God talk" included.

Essentially, you can write all the holy books you want - and shout at as many "unbelievers" as you want - but it will never change the fact that Reality (God, the Universe, etc.) is change itself.

But take a look around and what do you see?

So many people seem to be talking about "God" and "salvation" and all the rest of it, yet hardly anyone is extending unconditional love to everyone with whom we share this Reality. That's totally backward. "Religion" is everywhere, but love is not.

Spiritual teachers like de Mello can never tell you what God is; they can only give you hints, and pointers - in a word, awareness. They can never hand you the complete truth; they can simply make you aware that Reality can never be frozen into a concept, as de Mello explains in the quote below.

Trying to pin Reality down into a concept is like trying to stop a symphony because you think you've found the perfect note! In de Mello’s words:

“The moment you put things into a concept, they stop flowing; they become static, dead. A frozen wave is not a wave. A wave is essentially movement, action; when you freeze it, it is not a wave. Concepts are always frozen. Reality flows."

#6: The Dancer and the Dance

“Have you ever experienced your is-not-ness? In the East, we have an image for this. It is the image of the dancer and dance. God is viewed as the dancer and creation as God's dance. It isn't as if God is the big dancer and you are the little dancer. Oh no. You're not a dancer at all. You are being danced! Did you ever experience that?"

Most people think they came "into" this world, but that's not true. They came out of it. Like one of my favorite philosophers, Alan Watts, puts it: “You” are something the total universe is "doing," in the same way that a wave is something the whole ocean is doing. How incredible!

Waves cannot exist without an ocean to create them, and people cannot exist without a universe from which they emerge.

This is our fundamental reality: complete and total identification with everything that exists. Everything.

Of course, there are different images and phrases that illustrate this reality - such as the dancer and the dance - but the fact is that neither can exist without the other. The dancer and the dance create each other, in the same way that you can't have "East" without "West," "Hardness" without "Softness," or "Light" without "Darkness."

Now, is it possible to translate this intellectual image into a visceral experience?

What does it feel like to know that you are intimately connected with everything that exists - that you are the total Universe and all the galaxies and everything - and that fundamentally, at the very basis of all reality, everything is actually okay?

In the awakened state, it feels like freedom. It feels like love. It feels like...awareness.

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