Are You Coming to the Masterclass Today?

📚 Hey, the Big Day has finally arrived!

We've been talking about it for a while inside The Competitive Advantage community on Skool, but today - in just a few short hours - we'll be having our first live call for members!

Date: Today

Time: 1PM Eastern

We'll go for about an hour or so, with the first 30 minutes being a short masterclass (can I call it a masterclass? I'm gonna call it a masterclass...) from me, covering my most valuable reading strategies.

These are all things I’ve developed over the years to allow me to read 1,250+ books, and I still do these things daily.

Because my goal is to read 10,000 books and I’m nowhere CLOSE to there yet!

I say that the masterclass will be an hour, but after my presentation I'll be opening it up to questions/discussion.

I don't have anything scheduled immediately afterwards, so I don't mind going over a bit if people still have questions or things they want to talk about or ask me.

Happy to help however I can!

The link is to join the community is here, and you can find the link to the actual call inside the “Calendar” tab once you become a member. See you then!

All the best,

Matt Karamazov

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are five more ways I can help you:

  1. Work with me personally to take control of your schedule, grow your business, and enhance your learning, performance, and productivity

  2. Become a Premium Member of The Reading Life and enjoy exclusive, early access to new posts and videos, plus discounts on all my courses and memberships

  3. These are 50 of the greatest books I’ve ever read (out of more than 1,250+), along with complete breakdowns of all the key ideas

  4. Get my summaries and book notes from all 1,250+ books

  5. Join The Competitive Advantage, my community for creators, entrepreneurs, and executives who want to achieve their 5-year goals in 6 months

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