This Book May End Up Being My TOP Recommendation for 2024


It’s a brand new reading month and I’ve got a ton of books to tell you about today, so I won’t waste any time.

It was a slower reading month for me than I would have liked, but I did finish 5 books, and every single one of them was great for different reasons.

First, if you want to learn more effectively, there are five ways I’d recommend doing so, all laid out in Issue #73 of the On the Fly newsletter, linked right here:

On The FlySourcing the best sh!t from across the internet to elevate your brand, boost your productivity, and fatten your walletđź’°

After you subscribe, you’ll be on the main page and you’re looking for Issue #73.

There are five killer learning strategies recommended there - I use them all, and they ALL work. The rest of the newsletter’s quite interesting as well. I’m a new subscriber, but I’ve been impressed so far!

Alright, a few more books…

I mentioned this last time, but I’ll be giving away 12 free downloads of You’re Too Good to Feel This Bad, by Nate Dallas.

You’re already entered to win as long as you’re subscribed to this newsletter, and I’ll be putting the word out on my socials this week.

Here’s the book on Amazon, but here are my notes from the book, which you can just read for free. No download required or anything - it’s literally just a Google Doc.

This is the book! I read it a while back and it’s fantastic.

I also mentioned last time that the next book breakdown will feature 10X is Easier Than 2X, by Benjamin Hardy, a great business book that will help you achieve exponential profit (and personal) growth.

Here’s a quote that sums it up nicely:

“10x is easier than 2x. 2x is doing the same thing, only more of it. It’s brute force, not intelligent, not transformational, not an upgrade in thinking.

10x is an entirely different way of doing things, based on an entirely different future. To go 10x, you can’t avoid the bottleneck - the 20 percent.

Instead, you fully embrace and transform it, knowing all the while that the bottleneck has always been yourself.”

On Tuesday, I’ve also invited Justin Glaser to speak about his new book, Sweat: Uncovering Your Body’s Hidden Superpower, and I’d love to see you there!

It’ll be happening live on Tuesday, July 2nd, at 1PM Eastern, and it’s exclusively for members of my private business mastermind, The Competitive Advantage.

Inside that community is where I help members add at least an extra $1,000/month to their business - in less than 90 days - guaranteed. Or I work with you for free until I do.

I also buy my members a new book (of their choice) each and every month.

It’s basically the best deal I could possibly come up with, and it’s only getting better all the time as I add new guest speakers, we get on more live calls, upload more course material, etc.

Join right here for the lowest price it’ll EVER be, and I’ll see you on Tuesday for a discussion with Justin!

And now, here are the books I finished reading last month…

I’ve been keeping you waiting long enough, so why don’t we just get right into the books, eh? Yeah…

“Motivation is what gets you into this game; learning is what helps you continue to play; creativity is how you steer; and flow is how you turbo-boost the results beyond all rational standards and reasonable expectations.”

-Steven Kotler

This is one of the best books on ultimate human performance I’ve ever read, and I’m just processing my notes from this one now. I’ll end up with 10+ pages at least though. Steven Kotler’s one of the world’s foremost researchers of “flow states,” and is pioneering some of the most advanced work in that field today.

“We don’t have to look for the good - we can be the good.”

-William Mulligan

This is my friend William Mulligan’s first book, and it’s a wonderful, down-to-earth introduction to Stoic principles as they’re actually LIVED, by real people, living real lives in the real world. Technically a “philosophy” book, you won’t feel like you’re reading a philosophy book. I mean, hey, it was my major in university, but I know that puts some people off! Don’t let it :)

“We fear that, as we learn more about what’s beyond our solar system, silence and loneliness await us.”

-Jaime Green

This is an AWESOME book that’s about sooo much more than “just” the search for extraterrestrial life in the cosmos. It’s absolutely one of my favorite “space” books of all time, and it’s an adventure and a half through the SETI program, how life on other planets might differ from our own, our chances of finding any and what it might mean if we did - loved this one so much.

“Instead of hitting the tennis ball of anger back to her, I just let it bounce past me.”

-Phil Stark

I knew I’d like this one, but I didn’t expect to LOVE IT! What a cool little book! It’s written by the guy who wrote the screenplay to the Ashton Kutcher movie, Dude, Where’s My Car? Who also used to be a writer for That 70’s Show and others. So it’s funny, sure, but some of the metaphors he uses to explain and discuss sensitive topics like “the planets of addiction,” “the quicksand of depression” - it’s borderline genius. I loved it, and now I recommend it all the time!

“The bigger the dream, the less visible the path.”

-Dan Koe

This book might actually turn out to be one of my absolute TOP recommendations of 2024. It’s THAT good. Dan is a solopreneur with millions of followers across social media who’s built a seven-figure personal income for himself by combining his interests in business, philosophy, self-improvement, and more into a one-man business that has positively impacted millions of lives. I’m basically copying this book out word for word, I’m taking so many notes!

Forward this to a friend you think would love this book!

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OK, that’s it for now…

More excellent book recommendations coming your way soon!

And if you’d like me to buy you a new book every month, click to join us inside The Competitive Advantage - we’d love to have you!

With that said, I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Reading Life, and enjoy the rest of your week!

Until next time…happy reading!

All the best,

Matt Karamazov

P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are three more ways I can help you:

  1. Work with me personally to scale your business past $5K per month and experience the intoxicating freedom of finally being in control of both your time and your income. High-performers only.

  2. Become a Premium Member of The Reading Life and enjoy unlimited access to 150+ Premium Book Breakdowns, my complete notes from 1,250+ books, exclusive discounts, monthly donations made on your behalf to an incredible literacy charity, and more!

  3. Join The Competitive Advantage, my private business mastermind for creators looking to add at least $1,000/month to their revenue and save at least 20+ hours of productive time each and every week.


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