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  • The Top 18 Takeaways from "Nine-Figure Mindset," by Brandon Dawson

The Top 18 Takeaways from "Nine-Figure Mindset," by Brandon Dawson


I bought four new books today and I fear that it’s happening again…

I thought I had it under control, but I’ve been experiencing this overpowering, compulsive, voracious need to buy and read even more books, and this time I don’t think I’ll be able to fight back!

It’s happening, and I’ll just have to accept that.

My ankles also hurt from teaching myself how to moonwalk, but that’s a different story!

Anyway, the five main book recommendations today are below, but these four books are on their way to my house as we speak:

I’ll have more to say about all of those books in future newsletters, but I’ll be waiting (somewhat) impatiently by the door until they get here!

Robin Sharma and I actually went to the same university (years apart). We both went to Dalhousie University in Halifax, and to my knowledge, we both graduated!

But seriously, I’ve read half a dozen or more of Robin’s books over the years and he always delivers. Overdelivers, even. They’re fantastic.

I also went on a book downloading binge, and I picked up How to Make a Few Billion Dollars, by Brad Jacobs, and Gary Vaynerchuk’s latest, Day Trading Attention.

I got the audio version of Gary’s book because he narrates it himself and I need more of that energy in my life!

I’ve actually got 177 books downloaded on that app (Everand), which is actually dumb, but I’ll whittle that number down a bit and move some of them to my TBR - where they will stay, mocking me for years.

Oh, and on the same app I also downloaded a great book called The Winner Effect, by Ian Robertson, which is wonderful so far.

The 3-word summary of that book is “winners keep winning,” but I love the storytelling, especially the part I’m on now about Pablo Picasso’s son and how he was completely overshadowed by his father’s wealth, fame, genius, and ego.

Just a great book so far.

But right now, here are my five main recommendations for tonight! They are…

I don’t want to keep you here all day (I’ve got reading to do), so let’s hit the books!

“Know that if you give up, those around you will also give up, and that if you develop true resilience and resourcefulness, those around you will discover the same qualities in themselves.”

-Brandon Dawson

You’ll never be ridiculed by anyone with bigger dreams than you have. They honestly just don’t have the time to spare!

Anyone with a real, deeply-felt vision is in constant motion to achieve it, and Brandon Dawson seems to be one of those rare individuals who both has bigger dreams and wants you to achieve yours as well. 

He’s also done this whole business-building thing before, having sold his last company for $151 million and building his current business to something like a half billion dollar valuation.

I always advise that people learn from someone who has actually done the thing that you want to do, and so if your goal is to grow your business to unimaginable heights, Brandon’s your guy and this is your book. 

I’ve also written an article on Medium detailing my Top 18 Takeaways from Nine-Figure Mindset that’s been getting tons of views lately.

Read the article for sure, but Nine-Figure Mindset is one of the best business books I’ve read in recent memory, and it’s one of those books where the summary will never do it full justice.

“You can change your attitude without changing who you are.”

-Eduardo Clemente

This is a short, easy read with some terrific advice on how to adapt to change, increase your confidence, overcome challenges, and cultivate a more positive, optimistic attitude. And hey, we could all use more of that! 

Attitude is Your Superpower reads more like a conversation with a mentor, like a talk you’d have with Eduardo if you stopped by his office one afternoon for advice, and he really liked you and wanted the best for you.

One of the more important things to understand here is that attitude is less about what you say and do, and more about how other people perceive what you say and do. You may think you have a great attitude, but if other people don’t think you have a great attitude…then you don’t have a great attitude! 

You really do have to pay attention to these “invisible” things if you want to build a spectacular career for yourself.

But just as in heavier books like Man’s Search for Meaning, you keep coming back to the idea that there are no drawbacks whatsoever to proactively developing a great attitude and doing so is always under your direct control.

“All publicity is good publicity, you’ve heard it said. But I say unto you: The best publicity is absolute hatred.”

-Joshua Lisec

Joshua Lisec is the multimillion-dollar ghostwriter of more than 80 books (he’s actually got a new book coming out next week), and this particular book is for underpaid experts whose paychecks don’t measure up to the actual value they provide to their clients and customers. 

There could be several reasons for such a state of affairs, but one of them is probably that you are dealing with an obscurity problem: no one knows who you are! Much less how you can help them, and why you are the answer to their biggest, scariest, keep-them-awake-at-night problems that they’d pay big money to have solved.

Besides dishing out quite possibly the best marketing advice of all time (and I’m not just saying that), Joshua’s book will help you develop a genius-system with no steps skipped that will allow your clients to experience sensational, almost literally unbelievable results, such that people don’t believe they could possibly be true.

Once you have that, though, your task becomes one of attracting as much attention and hysteria in the market as possible, to the point at which the haters start coming out of the proverbial woodwork. You’re already good at what you do. Now you have to become so good that they call you a fake.

“Going 10x means you’re living based on the most intrinsic and exciting future you can imagine. That 10x future becomes your filter for everything you do, and most of your current life can’t make it through that 10x filter.”

-Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Total transformations are never linear, and they are rarely obvious.

It requires something completely different than what came before, a radical change in behavior and thinking, and if you're not consciously aiming for these types of 10X transformations, you'll never experience them.

The best books, however, can be catalysts for these types of shifts, and that was exactly my experience with Dr. Benjamin Hardy's book. It represented not an addition to my life and my business results, but a multiplication of my efforts and rewards.

My life and my business have never been the same.

10X Is Easer Than 2X is not a difficult book to read or understand, and once you see what Hardy's writing about, you can't unsee it.

“Knowing who you’re selling to, and more specifically, the exact right person for your product or service, is the difference between making $25,000 a year and $25 million a year. That’s not just a figure I’ve plucked from thin air, by the way - I personally know three people who make over $25 million per year in total sales volume, and their businesses are built on this level of spectacular depth and detail.”

-William Brown

This book contains everything you need to know about scaling a coaching and/or e-learning business to more than $10,000,000 in revenue. I know, I know, bold claim! But I know and (briefly) worked with William personally, and he’s the real deal. Ten million is what he sold his own company for, the book itself is phenomenal, and he literally holds nothing back. It’s all here. 

We’re living through the greatest wealth transfer in human history, and it’s the people who develop high-value skills - and the ability to market them effectively - who will be the big winners in the new economy. Whether that’s through paid ads, organic content, or a combination of the two, now’s the time!

How To: $10M is perfect for anyone with an information product, coaching service, or agency offer, and I used it specifically to scale up my coaching practice (and associated community). It’s basically an exact, step-by-step blueprint, and because I followed it, I got results. That’s basically all there is to it!

Stop overcomplicating online business. Just get Will’s book, follow the steps, and capture some of this exploding wealth for yourself.

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OK, that’s it for now…

More excellent book recommendations coming your way soon!

And if you’d like me to buy you a new book every month, (and rapidly scale your personal brand), click to join us inside The Competitive Advantage - we’d love to have you!

With that said, I hope you enjoyed this edition of The Reading Life, and enjoy the rest of your week!

Until next time…happy reading!

All the best,

Matt Karamazov

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